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IT Suite

Following requests from some of our service users and health care professionals we work with, Herts Homecare is proud and pleased to announce that we have now set up a purpose-built IT suite at our premises in 123 Lawn Lane.

The IT Suite comprises of 10 Computer workstations all utilising BT infinity high speed internet access.

The IT suite is for the sole use of our clients during their support time and is not open to the general public.

Your support worker will be able to transport you to the IT suite and show you how to use the PCs. They will be able to show you simple things like Internet browsing, setting up e-mail accounts, Internet shopping, Skype etc.

Herts Homecare will be introducing IT courses in the near future for our clients.

Use of the IT suite is free of charge to all of our clients. Please note if you wish to use the IT suite outside of your support time the session must be booked in advance.

We look forward to seeing you at the IT suite; it’s completely private and free tea or coffee are available!