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Resource Centre

(please click on the heading for more information)



A calcium and vitamin D supplement that is commonly taken by older people to help manage deficiencies in the body but also taken by pregnant women during pregnancy. Can also contribute to the treatment of Osteoporosis and Osteomalacia. Information portal related to this medication and its benefits.

Alzheimer’s Disease:

Download a clear and concise .pdf document created by the Alzheimer’s Society which gives the reader an overview of the condition + ways and means to live with it

Assent (Informed Consent):

If a client under the auspices of healthcare is unable to give consent for interventions to take place (lack of mental capacity, coma, intoxication etc) then the care provider is duty-bound to obtain assent (also known as informed consent) from the responsible individual associated with that person before implementing treatment/intervention (family member, advocate, health professional etc). Excellent resource provided by Wikipedia related to this issue and how it must be adhered to by workers of the healthcare industry (see consent for information related to clients who have capacity to decision-make for themselves)


Bedsores (Pressure Ulcers):

An ailment that will often develop amongst individuals who are not mobile or are bedbound. Excellent reference point to learn more about how bedsores develop and ways in which one can take preventative measures to minimise the risk of occurrence (use links on the left-hand side of page for more information related to this area)



Information about cancer and signposts to other useful links/resources

Care Act (2014):

Full details of the Care Act 2014 (as provided by legislation.gov.uk) (also download a .pdf version of this document using the site)

Carers Allowance:

What is carers allowance? Would I be entitled to carers allowance? How much is carers allowance? Is there anyone I can speak to in order to find out more about this? If these are some of the questions that you find yourself asking then look at this very informative online leaflet provided by Hertfordshire County Council related to applying for carers allowance if living in Hertfordshire

Catheter Care:

Information related to urinary catheterisation

In-dwelling (Catheter):

Reasons for needing a long-term in-dwelling catheter


Consent to treatment from the client that one works with is imperative in healthcare settings. NHS Choices have provided useful guidance related to the definition of consent and also when and when not consent may be necessary (for information related to giving consent on someone’s behalf see Assent)



Excellent Powerpoint presentation created by Wrexham Borough Council which will give the reader a general overview about dementia, its symptoms, stages of dementia etc

Dementia Medication:

Useful overview of the types of medication available to treat dementia and possible side effects.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards:

Brief overview given by Hertfordshire County Council re. how the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards apply in healthcare and information on how to report potential deprivation of liberty to the Supervisory Body of Hertfordshire hospitals and care homes (address details + telephone number and email provided)

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (CQC):

Care Quality Commission document related to how they monitored Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards during 2013/2014


Information related to Hertfordshire Community NHS Diabetes Specialist Service


Information provided by BUPA related to healthy eating and its benefits

Do Not Resuscitate Procedure (DNR):

Formal legally-binding procedure that some individuals and families may implement for carers and health professionals to follow in emergency situations (DNR generally drawn up by GP or District Nurse) – excellent resource to provide you with in-depth and simple to understand information related to this area


Fair Access to Care:

Hertfordshire County Council follow a set criteria to assess whether individuals in the County are eligible for funded support from Health and Community Services. Here you will find information related to the criteria they follow and also how to request an eligibility assessment from Adult Care Services.



A common problem – especially for those 50 years or older. Useful information related to what the condition is and how to treat it

Gluten Intolerance:

Also known as Coeliac disease – information related to what gluten is, how it affects people, how to access treatment for this condition and contact details for Coeliac UK (leading UK charity for people affected by Coeliac disease)


Hip Replacement:

If you are worried or have concerns about an upcoming hip replacement arthroplasty operation then access this useful resource which provides lots of information related to the procedure (pre-op and post-op)


Information related to hydration and why it is so important to stay adequately hydrated



General information about incontinence (provided by Age UK)

Incontinence Management:

Tena do some excellent products to assist you in managing incontinence

Individualised Care Plans:

Our philosophy and care ethos is based around offering all clients services that are bespoke and individualised to their needs, we do this through the creation of an individualised care plan for each client that we work with. Here is information related to individualised care plans and the benefits of adopting this approach

Creating An Individualised Care Plan:



Keysafes are usually installed at a client’s property once a Homecare package starts – this is so that carers can access properties where clients are not mobile and unable to answer the door. Installation of a keysafe is also important so that care agencies do not have to hold house keys on behalf of clients.


Mental Capacity Act:

Brief overview from Hertfordshire County Council related to what the Mental Capacity Act is and where it may apply in healthcare

Hertfordshire Adult Care Services (Mental Capacity Act):

Hertfordshire Adult Care Services full-length Mental Capacity Act which details why the Act is in place and also when and where the Act should be used in healthcare (.pdf document)


Information provided by NHS Choices related to Movicol sachets (over the counter medication commonly used by older people and those with limited mobility to help with bowel and constipation issues) – mix sachets with water or existing drink (tea, orange juice etc). Information portal to give you more information on this medication



Some fantastic information and guidance provided by Waitrose related to nutrition and a balanced diet


Occupational Therapy:

Occupational Therapy provides support to people whose health prevents them from doing the activities that matter to them. An occupational therapist can identify strengths and difficulties you may have in everyday life such as dressing or getting to the shops and will help you work out practical solutions. An Occupational Therapist can work with you to identify goals that can help you maintain, regain or improve your independence by using different techniques, changing your environment and using new equipment. Useful introduction related to the role of the Occupational Therapist in healthcare provided by the NHS

Outcomes-based care:

Currently there is an onus on healthcare agencies to provide ‘outcomes-based’ care in line with current legislation. This article (provided by community care.co.uk) gives you more insight into the framework surrounding this care approach and how it can ultimately enhance quality of life for clients under the auspices of healthcare agencies


Parkinson’s Disease:

Parkinson’s Disease is a degenerative illness which affects the brain and causes people who have it to become slower and less responsive over time. Parkinson’s UK is the leading charity for Parkinson’s support and research in the UK. This link takes you to their website which has a wealth of information, signposts and support networks related to Parkinson’s Disease

Power of Attorney:

Who will oversee the affairs of my family member or friend in the event that I am no longer around? Are there agencies or authorities available to help and advise me on this issue? Does it have to be a family or friend that is assigned to manage affairs or can it be a responsible individual or organisation? Are there different levels/types of power of attorney that can be enacted in relation to the level of support that is required? All these questions and more answered in this support guide offered by nhs.uk


Recliner Chairs:

Information offered by Age UK related to recliner chairs and how they can benefit older people

Rotary Stand:

A very simple, safe and effective piece of equipment many older people utilise (with assistance of family member, carer etc) to help them stand up and transfer (e.g. from bed to armchair, toilet to wheelchair etc). Click on the link to find out more information about this product



Hertfordshire County Council’s information page which outlines the various forms of abuse that can take place in healthcare settings and also contact information if you need to report an episode of abuse taking place (24 hour telephone number for Adult Social Care provided)

2013/2014 Safeguarding Adults Annual Report (East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust)

2013/2014 Safeguarding Adults Annual Report produced by East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust (.pdf document)

2013/2014 Annual Adult Safeguarding Report (East and North Hertfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group)

2013/2014 Annual Adult Safeguarding Report produced by East and North Hertfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (.pdf document)

Social Worker (also referred to as Care Co-Ordinator):

In-depth analysis of the role of the social worker in today’s society and the key responsibilities associated with this role (provided by the College of Social Work)


Information related to stairlifts offered by Age UK and how they can benefit older people

Statutory Sick Pay (SSP):

Excellent reference site setup by Gov.uk which details what Statutory Sick Pay is, how one can be eligible for Statutory Sick Pay and also how to claim if you are ill and unable to work


Urinary Tract Infection (UTI):

A common issue faced by adults under the auspices of healthcare services (especially older people) – information related to what may cause a UTI and helpful information related to how to manage this ailment


Vulnerable Adult:

Explanation of this term (often used in healthcare) and categorisation of what/whom constitutes a vulnerable adult


Walking frames:

Walking frames and wheeled walkers – a Which? buying guide


The Hertfordshire Wheelchair Services referral form to complete if you feel that you may be eligible for funding and provision of a wheelchair by Social Services (return address provided on form)