Herts HomeCare

How to Age Well

Growing older should be an exciting new stage in a person’s life. A chance to focus on yourself and the things you want to do without children or work taking centre stage in your life. That said, we understand that growing older can also bring many challenges – both for you and for your family – that you might or might not have expected.

A little helping hand

Although this is a time for you to enjoy your life, the frustration of not being physically able to do some of the things you once enjoyed or did with ease can leave a person feeling like they’re loosing their independence, or even a part of themselves. And for the family, this loss of mobility can be concerning, particularly if the family is not close at hand to help out when their older loved one needs them.

As you age, we at Herts Homecare are dedicated to helping you age well. By providing the support and assistance you need to allow you to remain in your own home, surrounded by your own things, doing the things you enjoy, we believe we’ve found the secret to aging well! No loss of independence, just a little helping hand where you need it most.

The next few sections are going to be addressed to the friends and family members of aging individuals; to help them understand some of the changes they might face and how we can help ease their concerns as the people they love grow older.

How to react to an aging loved one

As your parent or loved one grows older, you might notice some changes in their habits. These could include things like forgetting an appointment, eating or drinking less, taking longer to walk anywhere, or struggling to hear or see things they never used to have a problem with. These side-effects of aging happen to the best of us and, although it’s not a sign to start worrying, these things could be an indication that it’s time to start thinking about getting your loved one some extra help around the home.

At Herts Homecare, we completely understand that this is a difficult decision, and one your loved one might not take lightly when you first bring it up! Many older people think of help around the home as the first steps in losing their independence, and can resist the idea.

But we believe getting the right levels of care established early one is the key to helping your loved one maintain their independence. Because of this, it’s important for you to listen to any concerns and calmly explain that you want to help them continue to do the things they love.

If you’re specifically concerned that your loved one is forgetting things a lot, then you might also want to get in touch with us to find out how we can help.

Care for Older People at home

Most people, when they think of ‘care for elderly’ will immediately think of residential care homes and the end of independence. But what if we told you there was a way your loved one can stay in their own home safely? Well, care at home provides just that! An option to stay safe and comfortable while maintaining independence and dignity.

At Herts Homecare, we understand that many older people have lived in the same house for decades, and the idea of leaving their home can fill them with dread. Particularly when they’re considering leaving their home for somewhere unfamiliar and potentially unwelcoming. This is even more difficult for someone with dementia, who might feel extreme anxiety and confusion when faced with the idea they may have to move.

That said, if your loved one is struggling with their daily tasks, is feeling lonely, or needs someone to help them remember and attend appointments, then we understand why a residential care home could be tempting. But with a home care specialist, all these issues can be provided without the need for your loved one to move!

We provide caring and professional care givers you can count on with bespoke, flexible, dignified, compassionate care that is tailored to your loved one’s needs… ensuring they can live happily and comfortably, in their own home, for as long as possible.
Our care gives will also develop a relationship with your loved one, so they can be a companion and friend as well as a helping hand.
In our experience, we’ve found that securing help in the home for older people can help prevent accidents and delay the need for them to move into a residential setting.

What’s more, thanks to the superior training our care givers receive alongside their desire to really get to know your loved one, when (or if) the day comes that home care is no longer appropriate, they will be able to spot the signs early and take the necessary actions to ensure your loved one is safe and happy.

© 2025 Herts Home Care Ltd.

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01442 213 289



Herts Homecare
123 Lawn Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP3 9HS