Herts HomeCare

Preparing for Homecare

At Herts Homecare, we understand the c-word (“care”) isn’t always an easy topic of conversation. And that figuring out the right level of care for you and your loved one is a delicate process.

Whether your loved one is struggling with household chores, showing signs of dementia, or is feeling lonely after a bereavement and is in need of some companionship, we can offer completely flexible and personalised care plans to help people live better.

What is home care?

Home care is fundamentally different to residential care as it allows seniors to remain in their own home with the help they need. This could be anything from company to cleaning, preparing meals to assistance dressing or getting to appointments.

This flexible approach ensures older people can remain independent and happy within familiar surroundings, whilst giving them the support they need to stay on top of everyday tasks.

Homecare can also be a blessing for the family, as it provides peace of mind that a loved one is cared for, whether the family is far away or just unable to provide support every time it’s needed due to other commitments.

At Herts Homecare, our services are fully tailored to suit your individual needs. Whether you just need someone for a few hours a week or would prefer a 24-hour live-in care giver.

What’s more, not only are our plans tailor made for each client, we’ll also take the time to get to know your loved one and match them with a care giver who can share in their interests and build a trusting relationship.

Preparing for Homecare

Although it might not be anyone’s favourite topic, we do believe it’s really important to discuss a person’s care needs as they age. The earlier and more thoroughly this discussion takes place, the easier it is to establish exactly the right levels of care required and the point of view of everyone involved.

Sadly, we find this discussion is usually triggered by an even such as a fall, bereavement, illness, or increasing signs of general fragility. This can be a problem because it often leads to rushed care decisions that aren’t always appropriate, despite coming from a place of concern and caring.

We believe that getting some (any) level of home care established early on can help prevent these conversation-triggering accidents in the first place. Even just a few hours a month can make a huge difference in ensuring your loved one receives the help they need, when they need it, so they can continue to live a happy and independent life in their own home for as long as possible.

This continuous care can also help monitor the signs of aging, ensuring changes in behaviour, mobility, appetite, or even mood are spotted quickly and dealt with effectively.

The care plans offered at Herts Homecare are also completely personalised and can grow and change as your needs do. This can be as flexible as starting with just an hour or two per month and then growing to a few hours a week, up to a live-in care giver. And it can go back too – which is great if you need to increase the service levels (for example after a hospital admission) then want to reduce them back at a later date!

Get in touch with us today to take the first step in ensuring a happy and comfortable aging process with care that’s just the right level for your needs and the needs of your loved ones.

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© 2025 Herts Home Care Ltd.

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01442 213 289



Herts Homecare
123 Lawn Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP3 9HS